Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Being a summer scholar has really got me into thing about college and understanding college process even more.This experience has been a great one for me. Geting to know and build a nextwork with 38 students has been a great fun we basically bounded and connected we have known each other for along time. The team builing obstacle coarses held us build trust for each other.
As a college student now I have learnt and aquired the skills and technics to how to succeed in college through this program. This program had opened and answered all my worries about college.
College 101. This class is bassed on the foundamentals of college process and how to suceed in college and this class has been helpful to me. Questions about addmission processe, finincial aid and scholarships and other helpful topics involving college work was covered in this class which was helpfull.
I encourage up and coming high schools juniro's to apply for this program because it gives you all the information you need for college while you get to network with college students, facuilty and peers in this program and always remember its a scholarship and that there are requirments one has to meet and alot is expected form you to do you best at all events.
By far I would say summer scholars class of 2008 is the best group ever. Good job Guys we did it, its over what is left of us now is to keep the network going and be there to help each other where ever life takes us.
Special thank to all the facuilty of the muticultural office for giving us this oppourtunity and experience.

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